Monday, November 2, 2009

Workout and Food

Today was a fun little workout.  400 m run, 5 bear crawls, 10 dips, 15 wallballs, 200 m run, 5 bear crawls, 10 dips, 15 wallballs, 200m run in 19:10.  I didn't get to do the third round all the way.  Bear crawls were killing me!  Then push presses 65x5, 70x5, 70x5. 

Eating has been a challenge over the past few days.  I think I've been fighting off the flu, so I've been struggling with wanting to eat at all. The conundrum is that I haven't lost any weight until TODAY in about 5 days.  This morning I started the day with a chicken breast and 1/2 a zucchini, both cooked in olive oil in a pan.  My favorite snack that I need to cut down on is a spoonful of almond butter.  I have had two today and it's only 1 in the afternoon.  For lunch I put two salmon fillets and some Trader Joe's asparagus on the Lean Mean Grillin' Machine.  But I also reheated some brown rice.  It was super yum but it was a bona fide cheat.

Now, may I please have a nap?

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