Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Paleo Challenge April 2010

I think that my next weight loss goal-landmark will be rewarded with new workout wear. Lets say at the 50 pound mark, shall we?

So a new Paleo Challenge has started. I'm looking forward to it. This time there was a $20 buy-in...and I bought in. It's an 8 week challenge. I believe I can do it. I'm going to try really really hard! Just in time for Spirit West Coast.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Workout Fri April 2 - Cindy

Today's workout was Cindy:

#5 pull ups or #10 jumping pullups
#10 pushups
#15 bodyweight squats...

for as many rounds as you can do in 20 minutes. I did 8 rounds plus 2/3 a round with jumping pullups. The animal athletes did as many as 20 rounds! Someday....

Workout Wed March 31 - Filthy 50

Filthy 50 is a Crossfit workout. Most Crossfit workouts have girl Helen or Cindy. But the especially miserable ones have special names, like Code Brown, Filthy 50, or 7 Layers of Hell.

Yesterday, Filthy 50 consisted of the following (mine was slightly modified to 30 reps for the last 3 movements and regular jumpropes instead of double-unders):

# 50 Box jumps
# 50 Jumping pull-ups
# 50 Kettlebell swings
# 50 Walking lunges
# 50 Knees to elbows
# 50 Push press
# 50 Back extensions
# 50 Wall ball shots
# 50 Burpees
# 50 Double-unders

Losing weight is hard work. Don't let anyone tell you different!

It's been a while...

Well, sorry it's been a while since I've been here.  But I'm going to at least try to post my WODS every time.  Wish me luck....or blessings...or whatever you can wish me that will help me remember to do this!