Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jesus does CrossFit!

Many of you (as though there are so MANY of you reading this right now) know that I have been training with Santos at Level 10 Crossfit for the past 11 months.  Before major surgery in March 17th, 09 I had lost 35 pounds.  Once I had surgery I gained approximately 15 pounds back.  I returned to Crossfit in mid-June and am now back down to 35 pounds lost total.  My goal is to lose at least 50 pounds in the next year.  While I know I could probably lose more than that, I don't want to set an unrealistic goal for myself.  I mean hey, it took me 20 years to put on over 100 pounds.  I have tried several times with "fad" plans to lose weight, only to gain it all back and then some.  This program is a complete lifestyle change for me that I hope to continue throughout my life.

Controlling food has been my biggest challenge.  We are a VERY low income family, and we often run out of FRESH food as well as money by the 3rd week of the month.  I am trying to be more conscientious about buying frozen fruits and vegetables so we can still have healthy options towards the end of the month.  But I cannot deviate from this program because it has become one of my favorite things to do, not only for my physical health, but for my mental health also.  This is my "ME" time.  I am so excited and surprised by my physical capabilities, and how they are increasing.  The other day I was ECSTATIC because while lifting with Amy H I was able to pull a 170 lb deadlift!  That's more than my 16 year old daughter weighs!  A moment of honesty...not for the faint of next small goal (by end of next month) is to get below a size 20....I haven't been in 9 years!

Tomorrow starts the Paleo Challenge (I think it's 6 weeks).   I am looking forward to it, and dreading it.  I am a rebel when it comes to food.  Probably because I like food so much, and because I am such a great cook.  I just need to channel that into Paleo Friendly stuff.  We can do this.  We can totally do this....

You don't have to pay attention to this part, but I am going to be posting my workouts and food log here.  I'm sure that will be riveting!  Wish us luck, blessings, good Karma, or whatever I need to help me make it through....and YES>>>Jesus does CrossFit!

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